Research Compliance

Depending on the type of research being conducted by UB faculty, staff and students, UB根据具体法规提供指导方针,以维护/维护研究道德和合规要求.

论坛的参与者向《正规的网赌平台》以及其他学术出版物投稿. 国际学院的每月教师圆桌会议为教师提供了一个展示论文和接受学术同行反馈的场所. 每月圆桌会议从9月到4月举行,对大学社区和其他受邀嘉宾开放.

Human Subjects Research

正规的网赌平台的机构审查委员会(IRB)负责审查和批准正规的网赌平台所有涉及人类受试者的拟议研究. 此类拟议的研究活动必须在收集任何数据或进行任何实验之前得到指定的内部审查委员会的批准. UB订阅花旗计划的人类受试者研究课程进行必要的培训.

University of Bridgeport’s Federalwide Assurance (FWA) number is FWA00016119.

Proposed research may be exempt, expedited (single IRB member review), or require the review of the fully convened IRB. This is determined by the IRB administrator in consultation with IRB Co-chairs. 全面召集的IRB每学期在规定的日期召开四次会议,审查确定需要全面审查的教师和学生的研究提案. UB’s Human Research Protection Program Plan is in compliance with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46.

IRB instructions and forms can be found here.

If you are a doctoral student utilizing Survey Monkey to conduct research, frequently asked questions can be found here.

If you are a master's student utilizing Survey Monkey for a thesis, frequently asked questions can be found here.

If you are not sure about the status of your proposed research, email


大学致力维护使用生物标本和生物试剂的安全条件, teaching, and the research environment. The Biological Safety Officer works with academic units, researchers, 并为工作人员提供设施,以确保教职员工和学生免受传染性病原体的侵害, to prevent environmental contamination, and for compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. UB订阅了花旗计划的生物安全和生物安全课程,以进行所需的培训.

For research, UB’s Institutional Biosafety Committee 负责评估和批准涉及重组DNA的拟议研究的生物安全控制水平, synthetic nucleic acid molecules and other potentially hazardous biologics.

Conflicts of Interest

联邦法规要求机构制定政策和程序,以确保调查人员披露可能与外部资助的研究存在实际或潜在利益冲突的重大经济利益. Such disclosures must be made prior to the submission of a proposal for funding and, in the case of an actual conflict of interest, 机构必须建立一个具体的机制,使利益冲突得到令人满意的管理, reduced, or eliminated prior to award or acceptance of an award.

UB’s Conflict of Interest Policy and forms can be found here.

Intellectual Property

在学者和学者之间迅速和公开地传播研究成果和创造性工作, eventually, 向公众开放对大学的教育和研究使命至关重要. 知识产权所有权的明确声明,以及在大学社区内对此类财产的权利和特权的分配,旨在使每个参与的学生和员工在大学的学术环境中茁壮成长. 商业开发和分配研究和创造性工作的成果,使发明者或创造者和经济受益,是大学公共服务使命的一部分. 正规的网赌平台的知识产权政策旨在促进大学知识产权的发展,并鼓励大学的发明者或创造者参与这种发展,同时承认大学的主要目标是发现和传播知识.

UB’s Intellectual Property Policy and forms can be found here.

Biological and Biomedical Research

大学认识到,生物学和生物医学研究为更好地了解生物机制和途径提供了巨大的机会,从而导致对疾病和有害状况的有针对性和更有效的治疗. Therefore, 在适当的生物安全控制水平上工作并采取适当的安全预防措施,对于减轻这些风险至关重要.

UB的机构生物安全委员会(IBC)负责审查和批准所有涉及使用重组DNA的拟议研究, infectious agents, and other potentially hazardous biologicals and chemicals that pose safety risks. Such proposed research must be approved by the IBC prior to the start of research. UB’s IBC is registered with NIH’s Office of Science Policy.

IBC坚持NIH的研究指南涉及重组或合成核酸分子和所有相关的研究要求. Therefore, 机构生物安全委员会的主要责任是与其研究人员合作,确保涉及上述标准的研究得到相应的开展.


IBC instructions and forms can be found here.

If you have further questions or want to submit your completed application, email

Research Integrity

The responsible conduct of research, known by its acronym RCR, is widely defined as “the practice of scientific investigation with integrity.” The Office of Research Integrity (part of the U.S. 美国卫生与公众服务部(卫生与公众服务部)确定了RCR的九个核心指导领域:

  • Research Misconduct
  • Protection of Human Subjects
  • The Welfare of Laboratory Animals
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Data Management Practices
  • Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities
  • Collaborative Research
  • Authorship and Publication
  • Peer Review

大学提倡负责任的研究行为的教育和实践. Discipline-focused RCR instruction (biomedical, social and behavioral, physical science, humanities, engineering, 或管理员)可通过订阅花旗计划向UB社区提供. In addition, for NSF grants, all faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, 由美国国家科学基金会资助的博士后研究人员在进行研究之前需要完成ub指定的培训. For NIH grants that require RCR training, 指定人员必须完成花旗计划的培训和面对面交流, in-person training in fulfillment of NIH RCR education requirements.

UB policies related to Research Integrity, i.e., Responsible Conduct of Research Policy, Policy, Procedures on Research Misconduct, Human Subject Protection Program Plan, and Financial Conflict of Interest Policy can be found here.

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