Your UBNet Account

正规的网赌平台很高兴为您提供计算机和信息设施, for the pursuit of supporting your educational goals.


您访问大学的计算设施和网络的授权取决于本地, state, federal laws and University Judicial Code. These guidelines are designed to promote legal, ethical, and academic honesty, and encourages restraint in the consumption of shared resources. 遵守这些准则表明对知识产权法的尊重, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, 以及个人的隐私权和免受恐吓的自由, harassment, and unwarranted annoyance.

University of Bridgeport expects you to exercise responsible, 在使用电脑设备时,应遵守这些准则. 只要遵守这些指导方针,就可以使用大学计算机资源. 通过连接和/或登录到大学的计算机和网络,用户同意这些可接受的使用指南的条款和条件如下所述.

Password and Accounts

  • You are responsible for all usage of your account. Protect your password. 不要告诉或展示给任何人,包括家人、朋友或熟人. Properly log out of the system when you finish. Your account is for your personal use only.
  • 不要使用他人的账户,无论该账户是如何获得的.

Commercial Use of University Resources

Your account is intended for the pursuit of your educational goals. 您不得使用正规的网赌平台的计算机资源来招揽销售, conduct business or advertise or sell a service. 这也适用于通过个人电脑使用任何大学资源.

Copyright Laws

  • 您不得复制或试图修改任何大学拥有的软件, except as permitted by the University. Any receipt, transmission, 使用或销毁软件或数据必须遵守美国版权法, and license restrictions.
  • 更改或销毁任何不是您的所有者的文件或文件是违反这些准则的.

Misuse of the Network Systems

  • 将个人电脑或设备连接到大学拥有的网络和计算机必须得到正规的网赌平台信息技术部门的授权.
  • 您不得从事损坏或破坏硬件的活动, software, or communications, 例如病毒的产生和传播,以及数据过多导致网络过载.
  • You may not monopolize, misuse or waste the system resources by, for example, 从打印机请求多个副本或在实验室中玩游戏.
  • 您不得通过任何形式的通信伪造或以其他方式歪曲他人的身份
  • 您不得试图在任何计算机或网络组件中规避保护机制或执行安全程序.
  • You may not transmit or make accessible offensive, annoying, or harassing material, 例如广播未经请求的信息或发送不需要的邮件.
  • 您不得故意访问或损坏不属于您的系统或信息, such as University records, or use any system for illegal activities.
  • You may not use information bases, whether open or protected to derive or generate mailing lists, either for your personal use or for anyone else.
  • The University seeks to protect the civil, personal, 以及那些使用其计算资源的人,以及那些在其计算系统中保存学生或就业记录的人的产权. 任何非法访问这些资源的企图都是严重的犯罪行为.


  • The University is not responsible for any loss of data, 家中或宿舍楼内个人系统的硬件或软件损坏.
  • University of Bridgeport believes in the user’s rights to privacy, however, when there is sufficient evidence of wrongdoings, the University reserves the right to examine and impound any files, 驻留或连接到其网络的信息或计算机系统

以不当方式使用大学资源或侵犯他人权利的行为可能导致计算机使用特权被撤销,并受到大学政策和司法守则中概述的大学纪律处分. 这种行为也可能受到刑事或民事法律诉讼.

注:所有规则及规例如有更改,恕不另行通知. 正规的网赌平台保留在必要时进行任何更改的权利.


New UBNet Account

How do I apply for an account?

UBNet accounts are now generated online. There is no need to file the paperwork. Here is how it works:

  1. You first must verify that you are eligible for an account. 如果您不符合资格,您将无法获得帐户. Please see the next section below for the eligibility list.
  2. 下一页将向您介绍我们的可接受使用政策(AUP). All current and future UBNet users must comply with it. If you have any reservations or do not accept it, 您将无法在网上获得帐户,必须与I联系.T. department to resolve the issue.
  3. After accepting the AUP, 你会被要求提供你的UB ID号码(这是你UB ID卡上的号码). 如果您不知道您的UB ID号码,请联系您的学术顾问获取信息. 现在的员工可以在他们最新的工资单的右上角找到他们的UB ID号码. 你还会被问到你的姓和名,以及你的出生日期. 所有这些问题都将与我们的数据库进行比对,以验证您的身份.
  4. 一旦您的身份被验证,您将获得您的新帐户信息.
  5. 虽然你已经有了自己的信息,但这些账户实际上是在一夜之间创建的. So you’ll have to be patient for the next 2 Days (48 hours).
  6. You should be able to use the account the day after you applied. If you are still denied access by that time, it’s probable that something is wrong, and you should get in touch with us.

Who is eligible for a new account?


  1. 现为英国正规的网赌平台全日制/非全日制学生.
  2. A special student with permission.
  3. Faculty/Staff of University of Bridgeport.

How many accounts can I have?

任何有资格申请“优信网”户口的人士,只可申请一个(1)户口. There are no exceptions to this rule!

What will I be able to do with my new UBNet account?


  • If you are a UB Applicant, you will be able to:
    • Log in to WebAdvisor - Our Online Academic System.
    • Maintain your account (change/reset your password etc…)
  • If you are a UB Student, you will be able to:
    • Login to many systems in UB like Email, MYUB portal, Machines in the Computer Labs and Library Systems.
    • Have an email address with the University.
  • 一旦您从申请人身份转换为注册学生身份,您的帐户将自动升级为完整的UBNet帐户.
